Our key to success is not how similar we are to the mainstream accounting firms, but in our difference. At HBA Encompass, we work with you, not just as business advisers outside or external to your business, but as a partner. We have a vested interest in your success, because if we assist in growing your financial prosperity, our long term relationship prospers
Our Business Partnership services, are designed to maximise and extract the most from your business. The true worth of a business is underpinned by the cashflow it can return to its owners.
Simplistically, from a business valuation perspective:
“the faster a business can convert its products and services into cash, the greater its value”
Our business development and growth systems are designed around this principle. The logic of this statement teaches us two things:
- If we can increase the amount of cash generated by a business; and
- If we can get cash in the bank quicker;
the net worth of the business increases. Simple ?